Friday, August 29, 2008

Some things just don't get old

We've seen more rain the past week or so than we did the first six weeks we were here. Not that we mind. Most of the heavy rain seems to fall at night, and the little day showers just give the place character. Some of it's so light, with the sun still out in full force, the kids and I joke it's more like the sky spitting at us.

But the best part is the frequent light shows. This morning was no exception. (Click to enlarge and save)


Deanna McAlister Hosea said...

Okay, I know it has to be Don that's doing the blogging so...I have two things here that frustrate me. How in the world are you getting your links like that? I've tried to do the link without having the "www" stuff in it and I can't. Also, I can't line up my pictures side by side like you do. Are you doing something with HTML? I haven't tried that here...just on MySpace. Maybe that's the problem!

The Langleys -- said...


When you want to add a link, highlight the text you want to make "clickable," then press the hyperlink button (globe w/ chain link icon). That'll call up a dialogue box where you can type (or cut-n-paste) the URL you want to link to. Bonus tip I use on both my blogs: at the end of the address, type (target="_blank") without the parentheses. This will cause the linked page to open in a new browser, so when you close it, you're back to the original page you linked from.

As for the photos, when you insert them, choose "no layout" on the menu. You can shrink the size of the photos once they're on the page--that's how I get them two or more across in the posts.

Hope this helps! If not, write us and I'll send you a longer email with step-by-steps. I've got about a 2.5 yr headstart on learning this stuff -- happy to share! :)
