Wednesday, October 15, 2008

First snorkeling trip

We took the boys on their first snorkeling trip, to Hanauma Bay. This is a great location for beginners (that would be all of us...). The half-day snorkel trip Lisa and I took last year on the Big Island was one of the highlights of our vacation there. This trip reminded us why.

Nathan's confidence level in the water continues to grow by leaps and bounds. He really wanted to see a turtle, which wasn't likely in the inner, protected part of the bay. He and I ventured out to one of the breaks in the seawall -- as close as I cared to get him to the stronger currents in the outer bay. No turtles, but lots of colorful fish.

Matthew also showed a lot of progress, trusting his lifevest to help him float on top of the water. Once he got the hang of that, his face stayed in the water, and he was counting fish left and right.

Speaking of fish--we bought a underwater camera rig, but as you can tell by the pictures, we didn't spend a lot of money on it ($12, to be exact). Next time we may make a proper investment...

A few more of these trips, and it'll be time to take Michael and Nathan to Schofield Barracks for the in-pool diving orientation...

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